legal marketing tips and trends - Page 4 of 6 - Legal Brand Marketing
Gen Z changing legal landscape

Gen-Z is Changing the Legal Landscape

Every few years, we hear some story about how the younger generation is going to change how the practice of law happens: the younger demographics are going to force the legal industry out of the dark ages, move everything to digital and online, eliminate paperwork and pinstripe suits, yada yada yada.   Is GenZ different? […]

legal leads

Not All Legal Leads Are Created Equal

We’ve all had that terrible consultation — the consultation that makes you want to start charging astronomical amounts for consultations so you never have to deal with one of these difficult people ever again. The consultation where the person alternates between screaming and crying. The consultation where, of course, they have no money to actually […]


Eviction Moratorium

Eighteen months into the COVID-19 pandemic, the only certainty moving forward is more change. Going into the first shutdown, most blue-collar people were terrified: furloughs, layoffs, and near-certain financial struggles were on the horizon. But, the government stepped in and doled out increased unemployment benefits, stimulus checks, and perhaps most importantly, an eviction moratorium that […]


Post-pandemic Divorce Spike

It has been a running joke since the beginning of the lockdowns, but spending all of that time locked in a house with one’s spouse really does seem to have had the presumed effect we all laughed about: divorce rates are on the rise. There are few busier attorneys right now than divorce lawyers. To […]

competitor bidding google ads

Competitor Bidding in Google Ads

When it comes to paid advertising channels, there are few better than Google Ads (formerly known as Adwords). Why? Consider this: where else can you put your ad right in front of someone who is already searching for the service that you offer? The phone book? Ha! But, many lawyers are dismayed to discover upon […]

drunk driving arrests

Drunk Driving Arrests on the Rise

How will you mark the reopening? Everyone will be affected by the end of the pandemic lockdown differently. Some people will mark the occasion with a return to wholesome activities, like taking their kids to a major-league baseball game and reveling in the atmosphere of tens of thousands of fans screaming at every pitch and […]